Embroidery Day
"Today is a great day to machine embroider," says the woman with a good embroidery machine. I, on the other hand said," I wish this embroidery machine was worth half as much as I paid for it!"
A few women I know have a bun in the oven so I was in the mood to make some burp clothes. Nice and easy gift, right? Wrong if you have a Singer Futura!!!! This machine has been junk since I bought it! The tension is never right, the embroidery leaves spaces and the timing was completely off last week!
The History of my Singer Futura
A little over a year ago I saw the Singer Futura on HSN ( yes, I was a TV shopping junkie!). After watching the demo's over and over again on two occasions I decided to jump in and buy it. I told my husband that I could probably make my money back just from doing some custom jobs. It all sounded sooooo good!
Of course I was thrilled when I received it!
Why wouldn't I be happy? This machine did everything! You could sew, quilt, embroider, etc.... My favorite feature was the computer hook up for embroidery! The sky is the limit when you don't have to purchase embroidery cards!
I was thrilled with the sewing of this machine. It was my first electronic machine in my collection of 8 machines. Smooth like butter is all I could think for a week! Then I went out to purchase some embroidery thread. WOW! Is that expensive! Anyhow, I bought about a dozen to start.
After I finally got the grasps on the software ( which is really pretty basic) I decided to embroider something. The first two project went great! Then the tension started........
every couple of seconds the machine beep, bee, beep, beep..... I felt like I was in a hospital with all of the IV's beeping! The reason? Thread breakage or incorrect threading. Well, maybe for some this was true but I was correct in my threading and there is no breakage. This has continued more often than not for the time I've owned it.
Just last week I decided to try my hand at it again since I haven't used it in a month. Wouldn't you know, the timing was off??? I tried to fit it myself and became very impatient. I called my "local" ( an hour each way) machine repair shop and was told it would be $125 just for the timing! Nevermind.... I'll take a deep breath and try again....
And I did! I finally got it to work! Now it's working as if the timing were never off which only means that it sews and the embroidery still sucks!
BTW, the man at the repair shop told me this machine is a piece of junk and that most people don't end of fixing them because it's one thing after another.
Just for the record, I called Singer very early on when the machine would tell me in the middle of embroidering that the wrong size hoop was on. The man I spoke to told me I would pay shipping both ways and for repairs, only parts were covered. This is a heavy machine and at that point was probably only three months old. I decided this would be my last Singer not only because of the big hunk of useless plastic but also because of the customer service, or lack there of.
In summary, plain and simple, don't buy this machine. If you only sew once or twice a year it might be worth it to you but if you sew any more than that, don't do it!!!
I am currently shopping for a new embroidery machine and I will be posting a review on it as soon as I decide what it will be!
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